What is Adenoids?
Adenoids are glands located just above the mouth roof, behind the nose. They are similar to small tissue lump, and serve an important purpose in young children. Adenoids are part of the immune system and help in protecting the body from viruses and bacteria.
What causes Adenoids?
Enlarged adenoids can cause by allergies.
How is Adenoids treated through Homoeopathy ?
Homoeopathy medicines are the best to work as Immunity boosters which helps
to increase an individual’s fighting capacity, which helps to fight against adenoids.
Our medicines work safely and precisely in preventing the problem, without causing any side-effects.
Some of the Homeopathy Remedies for Adenoids :
Agra., bar-c., bar-m., calc., calc-f., calc-i., calc-p., carc., iod., kali-s., lob-s., merc., mez., phyt., psor., sang-n., sulph., thuj., tub.