What is Depression?
Depression is a medical condition that affects ones mood and ability to function. It may be refer as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that combined with a person’s everyday activities.
What causes depression?
Various conditions can cause depression:
• Brain chemistry: Abnormalities in levels of brain chemical may contribute to depression.
• Genetics: If any family member is with depression, you may be more likely to become depressed.
• Events of life: Stressful life, the death of a loved one, upsetting events (trauma), isolation and lack of support can cause depression.
• Medical conditions: Ongoing physical pain and sickness can cause depression.
• Personality: An individual who are easily overwhelmed or have trouble coping may be prone to depression.
Some of the Homeopathy Remedies for Depression :
Some of the top remedies for depression include arsenicum album, aurum metallicum, calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonicum), ignatia amara, kali phosphoricum, cimicifuga, lachesis muta, natrum carbonicum, natrum muraticum, pulsatilla nigricans, sepia, staphysagria, phosphoric acid, and causticum.
Some other remedies that may be prescribed include china, graphites, lycopodium, platina, sulfur, thuja, and cadmium sulphuricum.